Ripley Auctions’ dedicated team of experienced and respected professionals has offered auction and appraisal services to an international audience for over 30 years. The company's owner, Dan Ripley, is a recognized art and antiques expert working at the highest levels of the industry. He is a third-generation Indianapolis art and antiques dealer.
Ripley Auctions offers complete auction and appraisal services for estates, individuals, heirs, executors, other legal representatives and commercial clients. Our in-house international shipping department arranges personalized shipping for clients after an auction, along with safe transport of consignments to our Gallery.
Catalogs are listed on multiple platforms including AuctionZip and Invaluable, reaching interested buyers around the world. Our professional photographers and marketing department utilize the latest technology to connect collectors with specific interests. In addition, auctions are marketed through multiple channels including social media, target email marketing and print.
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