Frequently asked questions for selling art, antiques & collectibles
If you’re interested in selling art, antiques & collectibles with a team dedicated to getting you the most value for your art and jewelry, we thank you for considering Ripley Auctions.
For over 30 years we’ve built lasting relationships with collectors and consignors who have sold some pretty amazing items and collections. We understand that whether you’re selling art, antiques, & collectibles or an estate at auction, you have a choice in which auction house you prefer.
Our team works hard to earn your trust. As you browse through some frequently asked questions that we often receive from collectors and consignors, and discover you have additional questions for us, please contact us by clicking here.
Are there any hidden fees for a Seller?
All fees are arranged at the time of contracting our services. No fees will be added without prior consent by you.
What if I only have a handful of items?
From a few pieces to large collections and everything in-between, we can handle it all. Trust our experienced staff.
How do I submit my item(s) for Appraisal?
We can provide a market evaluation summarization for your items at no obligation. You may present your items by electronic image, photograph, or in person.
How long after the Auction ends should I expect my payment?
Payment is provided within 30 days of the finalized sale. Please discuss any special needs your situation may require.
How long does it take to get an Evaluation?
We will provide a verbal evaluation on the spot, in most cases, while you wait.
How will I know what my item(s) sold for?
Our cataloged auction sales are public and published online. We will provide itemized settlement statements with payment of proceeds.
What are the Terms and Conditions for a Seller?
Every seller must complete our consignor agreement contract. Terms are competitive with all major auction houses. Once contracted all items are insured by our $1M Fine Arts policy.
What if I need help transporting my items to your facility?
We've got you covered. Contact us and we can help arrange a pickup.
What kind of Condition do my item(s) need to be in?
Items submitted for auction should be in stable condition. We sell your items in “as-found” condition. We do not recommend that you do any self-repair to your items before selling them. Collectors want your items to be as original as possible. Please consult with us regarding cleaning, repair, assembly or refinishing before alteration of any type.
When can I stop by and bring my item(s) for Appraisal?
In person appraisals are available by appointment. To arrange to see a department specialist, please call 317-251-5635.
Will my item(s) be placed in the Online Catalog?
All items are included in our online catalogs. Most items are published online in multiple auction site locations. We will review your items individually and recommend the best option for you.
It's never too early to start planning your sale! Talk to us now!
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